Ati Williams to host San Antonio Spring Home & Garden Show
The annual San Antonio Spring Home & Garden Show will take place at the Alamodome from Friday, February 24 to Sunday, February 26. At the event, homeowners and garden enthusiasts can come and learn from some of Texas’ top home and garden industry experts about home and yard renovations for the spring season.
One of those experts is Ati Williams. Known as the “Renovation Ninja” in home renovation circles, Williams is a licensed general contractor, entrepreneur, real estate developer, and host of HGTV’s DC Flippers. She is also the founder of Honeycomb Design and Construction, Honeycomb Real Estate Development, and the real estate brokerage firm DC Home Buzz.
During a recent interview with MySA, Williams discussed what her role at the San Antonio Spring Home & Garden Show will entail, how she started remodeling homes, and why she doesn’t love the word “flipping.”
What is your goal when you come to the San Antonio Spring Home & Garden Show?
My focus is on the things that you can do in your home when you remodel that will pay off at the end. So, if you’re putting in $10,000 into a kitchen remodel, you have to ask yourself how much of that you can anticipate getting in equity.
What kinds of DIY demonstrations will you be presenting?
We’re going to do some planting and show how you can create terrariums with plants that are super low maintenance. We’ll do some light fixtures using mason jars. Then, I usually hang around a little bit after in case people want to talk about plans that they have, like painting their kitchen cabinets. I will be able to give them some input on some of the best ways they can do that.
Do you find people want a lot of advice on home improvements?
Yeah, I think it’s less advice and more reassurance. Sometimes, they bite off more than they can chew. Sometimes, they come for reassurance and I’m like, “Nope, don’t use that. You’re going to hate that in two years.” If I think there’s materials that don’t have good modality or might be a little too trendy, I’ll tell you what I think. Sometimes, it’s not a good idea to ask me for advice because I’ll actually tell you the truth.
Do you usually veer people away from things that are trending?
I think trends have their place. I think a lot of times, it’s okay to do trendy things that have a simple switch. So, if you were doing a trending paint color on the walls of a master bedroom or media room, you can easily switch that out in a few years. But if you’re doing mosaic tile, for example, in a bathroom, that’s going to be dated really soon. That’s the kind of remodel you’d want to do for the next 10-15 years. So, it might be better to stick with something that’s more classic.
How did you become interested in remodeling?
I was basically an accidental remodeler. I bought a place when I was 22 years old, and it was out in the middle of nowhere in Maryland, and none of my friends would come visit. So, I decided to sell the house after living in it for just a few months. But at that point, I had already repainted it, and I had put in new carpeting and a bunch of little things to spruce it up. When I sold it, I made some money. So, it really was sheer luck. I basically accidentally flipped it.
Over the last few years, I’ve noticed that the word “flipping” has taken a kind of negative connotation. How do you feel about the term and how it describes what you do?
I don’t love the word flipping. I think people use the word flip just to explain what it is. I like to think my work is a little bit more thoughtful than just flipping places. Even though our show is called DC Flippers, I usually want to say DC Flippers – with a little caveat.
What do you hope people get out of going to the San Antonio Spring Home & Garden Show?
A lot of amazing vendors are going to be there. A lot of innovation is happening in the home space. So, I hope they get to really experienced that. Even for me, whenever I go to these shows, I learned so much by just talking to the vendors and seeing new products. What I hope to give them is a blueprint to make decisions to get the best bang for their buck.
The San Antonio Spring Home & Garden Show will be open Friday, February 24 from noon to 8 p.m.; Saturday, February 25 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; and Sunday, February 26 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pricing for adult admission in advance is $9 online through February 23. On the opening day of the show, the price will be $11 online and at the box office. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit sanantoniospringhomeshow.com.