Bedroom Decor Ideas For 2023 Under $100
2023 bedroom decor ideas and trends are all about returning to natural color palettes and materials, but the good news is that they’re still anything but boring. Toned-down colors allow you to find other ways to add an unexpected touch to your bedroom, whether you’re adding store bought decor or flipping your old furniture. You go Handygirl!
Since the space is all yours, you can try a variety of different aesthetics and techniques until you find something that you love. With a layer of cozy comfort, these colors, silhouettes, and textures are the perfect details to accompany your winter hibernation but they also offer a whole new way to let your personality shine. Think outside the box when it comes to pairing materials and shades — you can keep the look of your room cohesive or add a variety of different details to create something totally unique.
Home And Garden
Bring your garden indoors this winter by adding plants and pretty vases to your bedroom decor. Don’t have a green thumb? You can still take part with floral motifs like bedsheets and wall art. Top it all off with as much natural lighting as you can get — it’ll help you *and* your plants feel more awake.
Swirled Plant Mister ($10, was $14)
Your plants need water too! Keep them hydrated with a cute mister that doubles as decor.
Moody Pansy Wall Hook ($14)
Add some literal personality to your room with happy and sad hooks that also kind of remind us of Alice and Wonderland.
Feeling Fresh
Pairing neutrals with natural materials can add both texture and character to your bedroom with minimal effort. Not only do they leave you feeling relaxed but they also add an incredibly sleek and laidback detail that will go beautifully with the rest of your decor.
Parachute Palm Leaf Nesting Basket ($49)
Use these baskets to hold your books, magazines, or clean bedsheets. They add a natural touch that isn’t exclusive to boho bedrooms.
Nanko Queen Duvet Cover Set ($30, was $40)
If you’re seriously missing green grass and open fields, grab a green comforter that will tide you over until April.
Cozy Fleece Pillow Covers ($40, was $50)
Texture and color come together wonderfully in these fleecy pillow covers. Consider this a sweatshirt for your pillow.
Ditch bold colors and patterns, and instead rely on texture and shape to for a unique bedroom look. Sculptural decor is both functional and beautiful. Considering these black and white picks could basically pass as art on their own, this bedroom decor will take your space to the next level.
UO Thalia Wall Shelf ($59)
This shape is reminiscent of a rainbow, without the color, which is perfect if you’re trying to go for a more neutral look.
Play And Work
Playful decor makes any space more whimsical, and in turn creates a bedroom that is inviting and enjoyable. It also adds a touch of childhood nostalgia that feels comforting, and all-in-all, it creates a unique space that will cultivate your creativity and imagination.
Bagel Shaped Mug ($18)
If you use your mugs as bedroom decor (we definitely do), then pay homage to one of the best breakfast foods around: bagels.
Avian Vase ($44)
Birds of a feather flock together. At least, that’s the case with these vases. (These items are available on January 28, but they were too cute not to include!)
Sunny Disposition
Yellow decor, whether it’s a bedspread or wall art, will uplift and energize. It might even trick you into feeling a little bit warmer. Combine with other natural colors like green or blue for an engaging palette, or sneak a sun motif into your decor for some sunshine on cloudy days.
Gold Metal Sunburst Frame ($15)
Add a burst of (metaphorical) light to your photos with a picture frame that will make you feel brighter just by looking at it.
Slim Colorful Stem Vase ($28+)
Transparent vases add an unexpected and eclectic touch that looks amazing with or without flowers.
brooklinen Luxe Pillowcases ($50+, was $55+)
Golden pillow cases pair well with white sheets and patterned ones. Once you try these smooth-as-butter picks, you might never go back.
Which 2023 bedroom decor ideas are you excited to add to your space? Follow us on Pinterest, and check out our Living page for the latest home decor trends.
Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.
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