East Jefferson property transfers for Jan. 5-11, 2023 | Home/Garden
Below is a compilation of properties sold in East Jefferson Parish from West Jefferson property transfers for Jan. 5-11, 2023. Data is compiled from public records.
Transfers for Jan. 5-11
Oak Ave. 406: Donna D. Sens, Lionel J. Dutreix III and Julie A. Dutreix to David L. Berke, $347,000.
West Ave. 349: Rod’s Real Estate LLC to Robert P. McLaren and Wallis W. McLaren, $217,500.
Coolidge St. 220: Cynthia A. Gleason to Ochsner Clinic Foundation, $10 and other good and valuable consideration.
Deckbar Ave. 121: David M. Hymel Jr. to Ochsner Clinic Foundation, $10 and other good and valuable consideration.
Deckbar Ave. 133: Deborah S. Hall to Ochsner Clinic Foundation, $10 and other good and valuable consideration.
E. Jefferson Park 713: Brent A. Ledet to Elizabeth T. Ledet, donation, no value stated.
Marilyn Ave. 14: Hilary Huffman to Gabrielle A. Ball, $350,000.
Cocos Plumosas Drive 5400: Thomas C. Brandt and Andrea M. Brandt to Hassan J. Abraham and Hana H. Abraham, $715,000.
Colorado Ave. 4201: Jessies Properties LLC to James Davis, $250,000.
Crestview Office and Industrial Park subdivision, lot 7B1: RGT Holdings LLC to PM Trust, $414,000.
Davidson Place 3336: Cynthia M. W. Vicknair and Earl J. Waguespack Sr. to Salathe Davidson LLC, $205,000.
Dawson Ave. 11 2609: Kevin Williams and Lisa V. Williams to Qiao Sun, $285,000.
Driftwood Park subdivision, lot 10, square 33: David D. Rittiner and Sarah M. R. Rittiner to Hassan M. Abualbassal, $390,000.
E. Loyola Drive 425: Kathleen Tully Godfrey, Terence P. Tully, John P. Tully Jr. and Maria B. Tully to Luis E. Paz-Rodriguez and Lesly Argueta-Barnica, $225,000.
Gay Lynn Drive 2500: Mary Schambach Jeandron and Raymond J. Jeandron Jr. to Sumble N. Awan and Naveed M. A. Awan, $1,200,000.
Greater Holly Heights subdivision, lot 27, square R: Brian J. Disoso to Nisha S. Ranshi, $138,000.
Illinois Ave. 2005: MW Investment Properties to Igor Nieves, $215,000.
Iowa Ave. 4308: Saynur F. Demircan and Erhan Demircan to Gabriella Velazquez, $360,000.
Kenner Project subdivision, lots 83-86, square 175: Ari A. Merritt to Oneill Alvarez Construction LLC, $85,000.
Massachusetts Ave. 1809: Rebecca Newell to Jorge A. Marin and Ingris A. Marin, $239,900.
Michigan Ave. 2109: Ahmed Messeded and Lynda Bouh to Deysi I. Lemus, $175,000.
Mississippi Ave. 1713: A. N. S. Development Inc. to Jordan D. Millet and Ashley Fruge Millet, $480,000.
Rue St. Martin 4412: Hardikkumar Patel and Geena Patel to Faisal Shuja and Leila Sekandari, $555,000.
St. Julien Drive 1012, Unit C2: Lacey L. L. Pousson to Earl J. A. Lombardo Jr. and Bridget Dufou Lombardo, donation, no value stated.
Taylor St. 1515: Gregory Oden to Barbara Perez Crenshaw, $189,900.
Tulane Drive 3505: Sharon F. Kochera and Cole T. Guidry to Alberto Marquez, $258,000.
27th St. 312-14: Cynthia Marshall Carter to Padmanabha Swami and Dilip K. Das, $165,000.
W. Esplanade Ave. 1500, Unit 13C: Lillian B. Arning to Madeleine K. Dillman, $165,000.
Argonne St. 4925: Brian G. Hyver to JNB Investment Group LLC, $205,000.
Dalton St. 8130: Pedro Troya and Marisol Troya to Jessica Troya, $268,000.
49th St. 3000: Megan McGough to Colette E. Galiouras and Erin Ewing, $317,000.
Giuffrias Ave. 2509, Unit 613: Adair Holdings LLC to Utai Phromsiri, $49,000.
Gladys St. 6501: Mid City Group LLC to Jonathan M. Diaz and Carol L. A. Diaz, $255,000.
Haring Road 1517: Carson L. Vaccarella and Phallon D. Robin Vaccarella to Timothy J. Maloz and Kristie B. Maloz, $297,000.
Haring Road 3505: Teree B. Lartigue to Sheri L. Gilmore, $219,000.
Harvard Ave. 2900: Jose V. A. Mogollon to Lorraine Smiley, $10 and other good and valuable consideration.
Hastings St. 4721: Alejandro Vargas and Rosalia V. Vargas to 4721 Hastings LLC, donation, no value stated.
Hessmer Farms subdivision, portion of ground: Glen E. Sins Jr. and Toni D. Sins to Erik McCoy and Bianca McCoy, $575,000.
Jefferson Park subdivision, lot 12, square J: James R. Marsalis Jr. and Linda C. Marsalis to 706 Jefferson Park W. LLC, $115,000.
Lake Ave. 225: Succession of Yvonne L. Viguerie to Camille Landry and Joseph Black, $750,000.
Maine Ave. 2348: Tracy Krohn Neupert and Gerard B. Neupert to Donis R. Fajardo and Nelsi S. Chicas, $225,000.
Minnesota Ave. 2332: Kirk Stroyewski to Chase G. Webber, $120,000.
N. Bengal Road 1405: Vincent D. Ebeier to Earl T. Luminais and Diane Jungeblut Luminais, $140,300.
N. Labarre Road 3805: Mark G. Lutenbacher and Clare Lutenbacher to High Performance Properties No 6. LLC, $353,195.
N. Turnbull Drive 4729: Succession of Richard W. Martinez and KKM Pilates LLC to Segal Radhi, $650,000.
N. West Metairie Ave. 3421: Lauren Petty Williams to Gloria Erazo and Jorge O. Somoza, $335,000.
Neyrey Drive 1001: Saharan National LLC to Michael Paul Properties LLC, $190,000.
Neyrey Drive 1001: Succession of Carole A. Blum to Saharan National LLC, $172,000.
Page Drive 4117: Hallie H. Kaufman to Ryan N. Schornack, $225,000.
Papworth Ave. 1528: Wesley A. Randall Jr. and Janice A. Patout Randall to David G. Mahoney and Terri L. King, $440,000.
Purdue Drive 5036: Succession of Clarice Crowe Starr to Deborah C. Starr, $400,000.
Severn Ave. 404: Succession of Beverly G. George to Andres E. M. Alvarez and Iris A. N. Solis, $290,000.
Sigur Ave. 1451: Darren P. Schaff and Jena Jones Schaff to Mitchell A. Messina and Michelle P. Messina, $673,000.
Sunny Place 4916: Andris Blomkalns and Malda S. Blomkalns to Paul A. Blomkalns, donation, no value stated.
W. William David Parkway 102: Susan M. Persigo, Barbara E. Persigo and Patricia Persigo Gray to Susan M. Persigo, $258,354.
W. Napoleon Ave. 5212-C.: Lindsey Pham to Henry H. Pham, donation, no value stated.
Zenith St. 4833, Unit 3: Edward J. Deubler III to Joanne D. Cutie, donation, no value stated.
Arnold Ave. 405: Colleen White Rogers, Robynn W. Cook and John T. White III to Buckeye Contractors LLC, $225,000.
Garden Road 116: Stephen D. Heinrich to Anthony Mazerat Jr. and Stephanie Mazerat, $32,000.
Kinder Lane 5: Aravinda K. Rao and Riley M. Parker to Venkata R. Subramaniam and Sudha Krishnaswami Subramaniam, $565,000.