“I feel wood” at Ligna 2023
The Salvapush 2000 NC-controlled automatic optimising cross-cut saw with integrated computer and SALVA-OPTIM software
It is no coincidence that the ‘motto’ chosen by Salvamac for this busy season full of commitments and successes is ‘I feel wood’, a pay off that stands out on a colorful background and recalls a popular song …
A message full of vitality and optimism, aiming, first of all, to express the growth path of the Italian-Polish company which, over the last few weeks, is finalising the transfer of production to a new factory – always in Poznan, along the highway leading to Berlin – that will offer new and larger spaces both for the construction of machines and the set-up of a showroom dedicated to tests and demonstrations.
A growth that occurs also through new professionals, employees and technical-commercial staff joining the company. All of them play a crucial role in meeting the increasing demand both in many countries where Salvamac is operating and in new markets where it’s going to expand.
A pay off that recalls also the feeling: a sensation that a material such as solid wood offers and the fundamental on which Salvamac has built its own mission, originating from the founders’ – Christian Salvador and Ziemovit Dolkowski – almost thirty years’ experience in this industry.
Salvacut already offers a 5000 model which can run at 3500 linear metres per hour – an Ultracut 7000 will make its debut at Ligna
Ligna (hall 27, stand D20) will be an opportunity to present the most recent achievements of Salvamac, starting from the new series of crosscutting saw machines, Legend: four models with blades of diameter 400, 500, 550 and 600mm equipped with the tested Salvastop, the equipment of electronic positioning that transforms the Salvamac cut-off machines in true numerical-control cutting centres, thus making the operations, the available data for company software, equipments and printers for labels or barcode readers extremely simple and fast.
The new Legend 500 cross-cut saw will be on show at Ligna in hall 27
The family of ‘top of the ranges’ is growing: the Salvacut 5000 – an optimising saw of high speed with electronic cutting and a handling that allows the optimisation of up to 3500 linear meters per hour is already on offer. There is also the addition of the new Ultracut 7000, which will make its debut at Hannover. This is designed and produced particularly for heavy-duty jobs, for sawmills, for cutting of harder woods, for packaging and wherever there is a need to rely on the extreme strength and efficiency of cutting. All this thanks to a blade of 700mm (at least) that ensures precise cuts on elements up to 450 x 120mm of cutting section. At Ligna you will not miss what it is defined as the ‘best buy’ of Salvamac, the SalvaPush 2000, that will be equipped with specific aggregates thus making it suitable for any type of use.
Among the solutions of Air&Painting department to be exposed at Ligna, there is the new version of Voyager, the suction filter with filter cartridges of high capacity, comprised of a touch screen control for its use management with a special attention on energy saving, subject of a careful process of product engineering that makes it even more efficient and green.
The innovations and the evolution of Salvamac open up new horizons day by day: the company has always made relations, relationships between people, enormous potentialities inherent in creating network one of its own pillars. Collaborations, partnerships, shares that today become a real set, a group of companies that co-operate together in order to ensure solid wood professionals having responses in 360 grades.
At Ligna 2023, the brand WoodWe will be formally launched, a kind of umbrella term expressing the design of Salvamac and enhancing the collaborations with various companies committed in the world of solid wood, such as Incoplan in drying, Sia in the cleaning systems, Paoletti in bonding and jointing, Visionmek in the metallic framing, Awom and VF Group in industry services.